Blogger Me Contact Form Page Kaise Banaye Ki Jankari

क्या आप जानते है आपके blog में contact form होना बहुत जरुरी है जिससे आपके visitors, company owners आपसे direct contact कर सके अगर आप visitors को बार बार अपना email address नहीं बताना चाहते हो तो आप अपने blog में contact form add कीजिये ये बहुत ही अच्छा तरीका है visitors बढाने का blog में contact form add करने के लिए आपको बस थोड़ी सी coding setting करनी है इस article में आज मै आपको इसी का तरीका बता रहा हूँ अगर आप अपने blog में contact form बनाना चाहते है तो आप इस post को follow कीजिये।

 contact form

Blogger में Contact Form Page कैसे Add करते है?

Step 1:

1. अपने blog के dashboard में जाये और layout पर click करें।
2. अब आप कहीं भी Add a Widget पर click करें।
select contact forum
1. More Gadgets option पर click कीजिये।
2. Contact Form पर click कीजिये।
3. अब save button पर click करें।

Step 2:

अब अपने blog के dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML पर जाये।
1. अब आप code box में कहीं भी click कर के Ctrl+F दबाये और ये code search करें।
 <b:widget id=’ContactForm1′ locked=’false’ title=’Contact Form’ type=’ContactForm’>
या फिर आप Jump to Widget पर click कर के ContactForm1 पर click करें।
jump to contact forum

Step 3:

1. code के left side में arrow पर click कर के full code open कीजिये।
 click code arrow

2. अब <b:includable id=’main’> और </b:includable> के बीच में जो code है उसे delete कर दीजिए।

<b:if cond='data:title != ""'>
<h2 class='title'>
<div class='contact-form-widget'>
<div class='form'>
<form name='contact-form'>
        <input class='contact-form-name' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_contact-form-name"' name='name' size='30' type='text' value=''/>
        <data:contactFormEmailMsg/> <span style='font-weight: bolder;'>*</span>        
        <input class='contact-form-email' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_contact-form-email"' name='email' size='30' type='text' value=''/>
        <data:contactFormMessageMsg/> <span style='font-weight: bolder;'>*</span>       
        <textarea class='contact-form-email-message' cols='25' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_contact-form-email-message"' name='email-message' rows='5'/>
        <input class='contact-form-button contact-form-button-submit' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_contact-form-submit"' expr:value='data:contactFormSendMsg' type='button'/>
<div style='text-align: center; max-width: 222px; width: 100%'>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>
3. अगर आपको ये coding समझ न आये तो आप इस image को follow कीजिये।
contact forum example

Step 4:

  1. अब आप ]]></b:skin> ये code search कीजिये।
  2. ये code copy कर के ]]></b:skin> के ऊपर paste करें।
/* Contact smi*/
.contact-form-widget {
width: 400px;
max-width: 50%;
padding: 0px;
color: #000;
.fm_name, .fm_email {
.fm_message {
.contact-form-name, .contact-form-email {
width: 50%;
max-width: 50%;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.contact-form-email-message {
max-width: 80%;
.contact-form-button-submit {
border-color: #f9f9f9;
background: #1aeb00;
color: #222;
width: 100%;
max-width: 20%;
margin-bottom: 10px;
background: #f56c7e;
color: #444;
border: 2px solid #222;
3. Save Template पर click करें।

Step 5:

अब आपको new page बनाना है मै आपको यहाँ पर दो तरह के contact forum बता रहा हूँ आपको जो अच्छा लगे आप उसे follow कीजिये।
1. Blog के dashboard >> Pages >> New Page पर click करें।
create new page

2. अब ये code copy करें।

var blogId = '9068543364951090862';//replace it the text with your blogID
//The below message 5 Strings can also be edited
var contactFormMessageSendingMsg ='Sending...';
var contactFormMessageSentMsg = 'Your message has been sent.';
var contactFormMessageNotSentMsg = 'Message could not be sent. Please try again later.';
var contactFormEmptyMessageMsg ='Message field cannot be empty.';
var contactFormInvalidEmailMsg = 'A valid email is required.'
var widgetLoaded=false;
function sendEmailMsg() {
if(widgetLoaded== false) {
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_ContactFormView', new _WidgetInfo('ContactForm1', 'sidebar', null, document.getElementById('ContactForm1'), {'contactFormMessageSendingMsg': contactFormMessageSendingMsg , 'contactFormMessageSentMsg': contactFormMessageSentMsg , 'contactFormMessageNotSentMsg': contactFormMessageNotSentMsg , 'contactFormInvalidEmailMsg': contactFormInvalidEmailMsg , 'contactFormEmptyMessageMsg': contactFormEmptyMessageMsg , 'title': 'Contact Form', 'blogId': blogId, 'contactFormNameMsg': 'Name', 'contactFormEmailMsg': 'Email', 'contactFormMessageMsg': 'Message', 'contactFormSendMsg': 'Send', 'submitUrl': ''}, 'displayModeFull'));
return true;
<form name="contact-form">
Your Name : </div>
<input class="contact-form-name" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-name" name="name" size="30" type="text" value="" />
Your Email: <em>(required)</em></div>
<input class="contact-form-email" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-email" name="email" size="30" type="text" value="" />
Your Message: <em>(required)</em></div>
<textarea class="contact-form-email-message" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-email-message" name="email-message" rows="5"></textarea>
<input class="contact-form-button contact-form-button-submit" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-submit" onclick="sendEmailMsg()" type="button" value="Send" />
<div style="max-width: 450px; text-align: center; width: 100%;">
<div class="contact-form-error-message" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-error-message">
<div class="contact-form-success-message" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-success-message">
3. HTML पर click कर के code paste कर दे।
4. code paste करने के बाद9068543364951090862 ID की जगह अपने blog की id set करे और page publish कर दे।

इस post को समझने में अगर आपको किसी तरह की problem आती है तो आप मुझे comment में बता सकते है मुझे आपकी help करने में बड़ी खुशी होगी।

अगर आपको blogger या internet से related कोई भी जानकारी चाहिए तो मुझे comment में post कर सकते है साथी ही आप अपने browser में type कर के भी हमारी website पर आ सकते है।

I hope आपको ये post आपको अच्छी लगी होगी अगर हाँ तो इसे अपने सभी friends के साथ social media पर share जरुर करना ताकि आपकी वजह से कोई और भी अपने blogger blog में Contact Form Page add कर सके।

Reader Interactions

Comments (100)

  1. आपके द्वारा दी गई जानकारी से मैने अपना कॉन्टेक्ट us from दिख गया है लेकीन मुझे अपना कॉन्टेक्ट डिटेल कैसे डालना चाहिए

  2. Sir aapne contact us page ke bare me bahut acchi jankari share ki h thank you.

  3. Sir aapne contact us ka page banana shikhaya par jab hume koi contact karne ke liye hmare contact us ke page me aakar sampark kre to vo message kaha show hoga

    Please bataye

    • आपकी email id पर

  4. सर बहुत बहुत शुक्रिया मेरा कांटेक्ट पेज अच्छे से काम कर रहा है,

  5. बहुत बहुत शुक्रिया भाईजान।।।
    Really works fine….
    Allah May Bless You…..

  6. nmskar sir,
    sir mera naam sandeep hai
    aur mein aapka tahdil se shukr gujaar hoon ki aapne contact form kr baare mein artical likha

    sir meri problem ye hai ki
    maine ek blog bnaaya hai

    uspe contact form mein problem hai
    kabhi to submit ka button nhi show aur agr button show ho jaaye to submit nhi ho pata

    maine aapke is artical mein btaaye sabhi articals follow kiye hai but fir bhi submit nhi ho pa rhaa

    kya kroon sir ji
    kuch help kijiye

  7. sir g mera msg box bangya he bahar par msg andar nhi dikha rha he plz btaye

  8. Bina kisi coding me bhi contact us page add hoga bro Maine kiya h but blog me show nhi kar RHA h view VEB version me show kar RHA hai bataiye sir jee ye kaise show karega.

  9. is post me Jo jankari h bahut achhi h but ek baat samajh se bahar h ki agar koi message karega to message kis email I’d par jayega jisase blog banaya hai ya kisi or par

    • Blogger wali ID par

  10. jumeedeen ji
    me apni site par login and signup button lagana chahta huu..
    codes mene generate kar liya ab blogger me kaise lagana hai…doubt in html setting,,,,help please i waiting your answers

    • Dear shersingh ji I am not a developer. Aap kisi coding expert se is bare me bat kare.

  11. भाई जो आप आप डिप्रेसन में प्रोफाइल में अबाउट लिखे हो मेरा नाम ये है मै एक इंडियन ब्लॉगर हु वो कैसे लगेगा हमारे ब्लॉग में

  12. maine aapke btaye anusar contact form add kr liya hai, magar koi form se messege karta hai to mujhe wo messege nhi milta …. solution btaiye ?

  13. sir jaise aapki website ki id ye hai ,
    9068543364951090862 ID
    to sir mere blog ki id ka kaise pata chalega

    • Apne blog ke dashboard me jao or browser ke link boxx me dekho “blogID=8275315283777885478” type ki ID hogi wo blog id hoti hai.

  14. thankyou sir ye post mere liye bahut helpful rahi

  15. bhai , apne jo skin ke bad wala code diya hai wo copy nahin ho raha hai aur aur wo code skin ke niche ya upar kahan pe paste karna hai ?

    • Ab copy karo ho jayega or skin se pahle yani upar code add karna hai.

      • Thank you bhai .
        contact form successfully add.

  16. sir hello, mujhe ek help chahiye ( Article bye: Jume deen khna ) uske pass ap ka photo bhi hai or aapke bare bare me likha bhi hai .to mujhe yesa hi krna hai apne blog me to plezzz bataiye kaise kre

  17. hello sir aapne jo last wala html code diya hai usme code ki problem hai usme <div starting me v hai or and tag v <div hi hai oe dusre mai kewal and tag <div hai
    jis karn se code upload nahi ho pa rha hai muhe v ye problem hui thi

    • Ok Main ise fix kar dunga.

  18. bro. mene is Article me batayi huyi sari steps follow ki pr fir bhi mere blog pr contact us option show nahi ho rha h…

    • Abhishek ye coding work hai aapse kahi koi mistake huyi hai. Aap ache se try karo.

  19. Sir apne apne blog me niche ki or Apne bare me ek box me likha hai kuch is tarah se-

    “About Jumedeen Khan

    He is a small blog scientist and a professional blogger. He is writing on this blog from July 2015. He regularly share something new on this blog, you can subscribe our newsletter to get daily notification of latest updates. If you want learn more about us then click here.”

    wo apne kaise banaya hai aur ye bhi batana ki photo kaise add kiya aur usme “Click here link” kaise lagaya hai. Mai blogging me kamzor hun please araam se samjhana. Mai wait kar raha hun.

    • Ye genesis framework ka feature hai. Maine isme kuch nahi kiy hai sirf photo or details likhi hai.

  20. mere blog ke template me ye code search ]]> search karne par show nahi kar raha hai sayad ye code bhul se delete ho gaya hai batayen me kya karun , aur templetes checker tool me mere templetes me 39 error dikha raha hai bateten me kya karun maine templetes change kar ke bhi dekh li par shame result show ho raha hai help pls, aur mere blog ko v open kar ke dekhen ki mere blog me kuch kami ta nahi hai/

    • Aap is post me btaye code se related ya isme se koi or word search kare.

  21. Assalamualaikum Bhai
    maine contacts us page bhi add kar liya aur aapne jo code bataya hai usko delete bhi kar diya aur jo code add karna hai usko bhi add kar diya lekin mere template me contacts buttons par click nhi ho raha hai aur contact form page bhi nahi khulta hai kya problem hai please meri help kare

    • Aap sabhi step ache se follow karo.

  22. Sukriya BAhi aaj contact us form add ho gaya

  23. bhai Maine about us page bana kar footer me add kar diya lekin. jab about us par click karte hai to not found btata hai. please help me.

    • About us page ka fotter me sahi link add karo.

  24. sir blog ka id kaha par milega

    • Post me iske bare me btaya hai. Ache se padho.

  25. sir,
    ham paypal account bana rahe hai usme debit ya credit card number dalna hai usme ham master card ka number dalte hai to ye aa jata hai.The secure way to use your debit card online.your bank may needto activate it for use overseas.

    • Aap apn bank me contact karo or unse pucho ki aapko debit card international banking me use karna hai.

  26. Hello; Dear
    Please, Aap meri Blog/Site visit kr Dekhiye aur Bataiye ki maine "Google Adsense Policy 2016" related "Adsense Ads [ As per No. and Types of Ads]" Lagai hai ya nahi. Blog/Site par kitni Ads lagani chahiye [What is the maximum number of AdSense units I can put on a page?] aur Google AdSense types of ads following three formats:–
    1) …AdSense content unit
    2) …AdSense link unit
    3) …AdSense for search ke bare me kuchh Information/Guide kare..

      • Thanks Dear/Sir;
        Google AdSense Ads ke inside three (03) following formats ke bare me, please new article post kare…
        1) … AdSense content unit
        2) … AdSense link unit
        3) … AdSense for search

        • Sabke bare me post kar chuka hu. Aap AdSense se related post padho

  27. Bhai apne jaisa kha tha maine vaisa kiya lakin pehly Uc mini me sari post full khulti thi lakin Uc browser me ni khulti lakin ab uc browser me bi khul ne lagi mai kya karu jisse sari post ek page me na khule ap meri site pe zara ek bar jakar dekh lijiye kya kami hai.

  28. Bhai mere kuch ques . hai in ka ans . jarur dena

    *bhai maine apna blog 10 din pehly banaya tha lakin jaise apne kha tha thik vaisa hi maine Alexa rank ka code apne blog me add kiya lakin site me Alexa rank title show kr rha usky niche kuch ni aa rha
    * bhai maine 5 post abi tk ki hai lakin Bo sari post ek hi page me aa rai hai mai chata hu bo post ek page me na aaye
    * mai jb apni site UC mini se kholta hu to maine jo fb page add kiya hai tb aata hai usne lakin Uc browser se kholta hu tb fb page nii aata
    * bhai mai apne blog me RECENT POST , POPULAR POST ye sab kaise add karu

    aur bhai mai apni site me subscribe ka button kha se lagau

  29. Sir me bidvertiser use kr rha hu..

    problem ye he ki jab me view web version pr click krta hu to GoOGlE PLAYSTORE pr pahuch jata hu…. Sir mene bohot try kiya pr nhi ho pa rha he yadi asa hi chalta rha to me apne article mere dosto ko share nhi kr payunga….help

    or sir chek krein kesi he…

    or apne ye coment name website email ka option kese lagaya he…

    or yadi sir koi commet box me galat shabd ka use kare to kya karein ?

    or apne Subscribe Now ka jo option he usme jese hindi me likhna ho ki

    Aap yaha subscribe krke post apne email me prapt karein..means ye likhna he to kese karein ???

    Sir apka template bahut mast he…

    Anwer jaldi dein

  30. We just desire to show you which I am certain inexperienced to blogging and thoroughly liked your page. Very likely I am most likely to store your web post . You absolutely have stunning article topic. Acknowledge it for telling with us your website write-up.

  31. maine jo blog banaya hai ….
    us id ka date of birth 28-12-1998 dala tha …
    ab AdSense me pan card bhi maangta hai. ….. pan card banwane ke liye 18 ki age chahiye
    lekin mere certificate me age koi dusra hai…
    isiliye pan card aur id ki date me changes ho jayega.. kya id ki alag aur pan ki alag age hokar AdSense approve ho jayega

    • Adsense me pan card ki jarurat nahi padti. Aap kaise AdSense account bana rahw ho.

  32. sirji mere Blogger ki id h vo 18 no, ki dikh rhi h aur blogger ki id no 19 h pure 19 no kese m jan paunga pls. jankari den us bajh se mene jo Contact Us ka form bnaya h usme url pr ye dikh rha h ( shayad isi ki bjah se mail nhi aa rhe h mene check kiya tha plzzzzzzzzzz jankari de

    • Apne blog ke dashboard par jao or url box me dekho aapke blog ki id hogi. Aap ne coding me koi galti ki hai. Ache se add karo.

      • puri process repeat krne k baad bhi 18 digit ki blog id aa rhi h, or jab contact us ka new page bnate hai usme ye error aa rhi hai. – ‘Your HTML cannot be accepted: Closing tag has no matching opening tag: DIV Dismiss’.
        19 digits ka blog id kese ayegi

        • Ye problem blog id se nahi hai. Aap jo page bana rahe ho usme div> extra se hai. Wo delete karke code savw karo. Ya fir hrml section me code paste karke ek bar dusre compose section par click karo. Uske bad save karo.

          • extra div del ete krne k baad bhi 19 digits ki id nhi a rhi

          • Bro aapne jo problem ki report btayi uska solvation mai aapko bta chuka hu. Aap ise solve tabhi kar paoge jab aapko blogger ki coding ki jankari pata ho.

    • SIR JI check kiya tha plzzzzzzzzzz

      • Ye problem blogger ki taraf se hai. Iska ek hi solvation hai. Aap par ja kar log in karo or blogger team ko feedback bhejo.

  33. sir contact us from me kya mai apni marji ka email adress nhi add kar sakta hu main chanta hu ki mere sabhi mail mere mare 2 email par aye iske liye mujhe kya karna hoga

    • Blogger ki setting me jao,or jaha par notification email add kar rakha hai waha ek or email add kar do.


  35. mere blog ki id kya hai me kese pta kru..or usme dikhata hai this web page not avalebal kuch aisa or nxdomin kya likh ta hai

    • par jao or logh karke blog ke dashboard me jao. ab browser ke url box me post btaye anusar id number honge wohi aapke blog ki id hai.

  36. sir mene to copy karke pest kiya tha usme to sayad koi galti nai ho sakti but age me http hai to kya usko htana hoga

    • Code me jo blog ki id hai uski jagah apne blog ki id add karo.

  37. sir mene contact us page bnake link list me aad kiya par uspe clik krne se not avalebel likh rha tha aisa kyu ho rha hai aap chahe to mere blog par jaye or ek bar dekhe ki kya problm hai.

  38. sir Maine pahle ek blog banaya tha usme Maine 11 post likhe the ab Maine dusri id se dusara blog banaya hai to mai ye Jana chahta hoo ki Paul blog ki post ko dusre blog me kaise transfer kare ya vo copy hoga.please help bhai.

    • aap pahle wale blog me se khud ki likhi huyi post copy kar ke new blog me add kar lo. or old blog ko delete kar do. ache se ceck kar lena ki kisi post me block AdSense ke ads code to nahi hai. warna new AdSense bhi block ho jayega.

  39. kya best website banai hai JUMEDEEN bhai aapne ye sab aapne kaha se sikha

    • sabkuch internet se hi sikha hai.

  40. blog me hum jab domin aad karte hai to woh website nai website ki tarh banjati h apne aisa bola tha…to hum apna website bnane ke liye kya kar sakte hai website kese bnaye….plz rply sir

    • aap first blogger ko achi tarah samajh lo, or 2-3 month blogger hi use karo, uske bad hsting e kar apni site bana lena, fir apne blogger blog ki sabhi posts us par trasfer kar lena.

  41. bhai apne jo bola ki ISKE UPAR code dale mujhe woh thk tarh se smjh nai aya upar kese code dale aap hi btao mouse se ucke upar clik krenge to kisi na kisi word ke bich me clik hoga or sara code dono ke bich me ajyega to kya ye work krega…ya fir uske upar wale numbar pe clik krna hai woh mujhe thk se smjh nai aya kya ap smjha sakte hai plx meri hlp kar dijiye na

    • blogger ki template>edit html section par jao or [code]</b:skin>[/code] code search karke uske pahle code paste karo.

  42. Maine post me 3 code diye hai. First wala template me se delete karna hai, dusra ''skin>'' code ke upar paste karna hai or tisra code new page bana kar usme add karna hai

  43. Bhai aapne bola hai or ke beech me jo code hai use delete karna hai par uske niche ek code aapne dia hai jo mujhe samajh me nehi aa raha, wo code kya hai, uska kya karna hai

    • Aap ne btaya ki html me code copy karna

      Html me kis jagah par karna html file to bahut badi hai

  44. Abhi mujhe bahut kaam karna hai, aap iske bare me kal baat kare.

  45. Thanks you sir …
    But sir Mobile me nahi so ho rahi h red more ka option kekin computer hoti h mobile me kaise kare is template me btayi sir g plz..

  46. Sir mobile to Text so kar raha h lekin red more rahi

  47. iski jankari comment me nahi bta sakta, time mila to iske bare me post dalunga follow kar lena, wese aapko tnx aapki bato se mujhe new post dalne ka idea mil jata hai, aap to mere ceo banne ke layak ho.

  48. read more ka option alag se lagana padta hai

  49. Sir Apke blog me
    Subscribe His Blog OHMH and Get Continue Guide Of Blogging. Know More…Jo options h kaise lagate h link abut me ka

    • Mera blog ka contact from error 404 show ho raha blog m open karne par please meri koi help karo kya aap bata sakte h esa kyo ho raha h mujhe koi solution de yh method m apna chuka koi or solution h to batao please

      • आप अपने ब्लॉग पर कांटेक्ट लिस्ट बनाओ और उसे पब्लिश करो उसके बाद ओपन करके देखो error नहीं आएगा।

  50. populer post: go to blog dashboard>>layout>>add widget>>populer post par set kar sakte ho.
    random post:- iski coding hoti hai mai iske bare me post karunga follow kar lena
    recent comment:- iski jankari ke liye ye post pade mobile me read more ka option show karne ke liye blog ke dashboard>>template>>edit html par jao or ye code search karo. "media only screen and (max-width:480px)"
    isme 480px ki jagah 0px set kar ke save template par click karo.

    Ka option kaise lagate h …..
    Or sir jab mai template use kar rahi hu to
    Mobile me read more ka options nahi as rage h bs Post Titel Dikh rahe h

  52. kyuki meri template me meri site ki or AdSense ki link add hai. agar mai unhe delete karta hu to template ka look hi badal jata hai, or agar delete nahi karta hu or aapko deta hu to jab aap meri template use karoge to mera AdSense account disable ho jayega, ummid hai aap meri majburi samajhenge.

  53. Ohh oky sory nahi pata tha

  54. Maine is site me minima3 template huli use ki hai bas ise design kiya hai, mai ise aapko nahi de sakta, agar mai aysa karta hu to mera AdSense account disable ho jayega.

  55. Sir aap aona wala template send kariye …na..
    Or ek post kariye tag kaise lagate h blogger me