Independence Day Speech: Here we are sharing speeches on Independence Day of India. If you are a student and looking for a speech on 15 august then from this article you can select independence day speech according to your choice and requirement.
We are writing this article to help teachers, students and children who are looking for a great speech on the occasion of Independence Day.
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Independence Day Speech in English for 15 August 2025
Independence day speech in English 2025, Independence Day Speech for Students, Best speech on independence day, 15 august speech 2025 in English, Speech of independence day, Long and short, latest, simple, sample Speech for independence day 2025, Easy speech on 15th August.
Independence Day Speech1:
Good morning,
Today we are celebrating 75th Independence Day of our country. Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August every year in our country India. On this day in 1947, our country got freedom from the slavery of the British. Many great people of our country sacrificed their lives for freedom. One of them, Gandhiji was also there. Gandhiji played a very important role in freeing our country from British rule. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted the tricolor at the Red Fort of Delhi on this day. Speeches are given in all government institutions on this day. Various programs are organized in schools and colleges also.
Independence is celebrated on 15th August with great enthusiasm all over India.
Today we are living life in a free India but we cannot even imagine how difficult it was to get India free from Britishers. Many of our freedom fighters lost their lives in the freedom struggle of India. We cannot forget the brave soldiers who gave freedom to our country. Who sacrificed his life in the name of the country at an early age for the independence of India.
Today we are living life in peace and happiness because of our ancestors. It is because of the freedom fighters of our country that today we are living life without any fear. Today our country is the largest democratic country in the world.
Yes, we are free but forgetting our responsibilities. We should fulfill our responsibilities towards our country. It is also our duty that all of us together take our country on the path of progress and illuminate the name of the country.
This day is very important for all of us Indians. This day is celebrated all over India with great joy and enthusiasm because living like a slave is very painful.
Today we are free to do anything in our country because today our country and we are free.
Today on the occasion of Independence Day, we should promise that we will always work for the service of our country and make our country strong.
15 August Speech 2:
My name is Shivani and I wish you a very Happy Independence Day.
Today, on this special occasion, I am going to give a short speech about Independence Day in front of you.
Today is 15th August i.e. Independence Day of our country. 75 years ago, on this day i.e. 15th August 1947, our India became independent by breaking the chains of slavery of the British.
India achieved a historic victory by teaching a lesson to the British. The first Prime Minister of independent India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, hoisted the national flag at the Red Fort in New Delhi on this day, since then every year we celebrate Independence Day as a national festival.
The story of our freedom is a big one that cannot be told in a day. Actually, the British came to our country on the pretext of trade. He had slowly subdued everything. We were made slaves.
To end this slavery, many brave soldiers and great leaders of our country decided to teach a lesson to the British and for this they fought many battles against the British, had to go to jail, had to bear the injustice of the British but they did not give up. Agreed.
Many heroes of the country were martyred in the freedom struggle, but one day or another, which all Indians were eagerly waiting for. That day was 15th August 1947. On this day India broke the chains of slavery of the British and breathed in the atmosphere of freedom.
We will never forget the relentless struggle and sacrifice of those great freedom fighters and martyrs. I worship them even today.
Today the whole of India is celebrating this national festival with great enthusiasm. Today is a day of pride and enthusiasm for us. India is known as a strong country all over the world and it is our responsibility to always maintain this identity to protect our country.
Sample Speech for Independence Day 2025 3:
Honorable Chief Guest, respected teachers and my dear countrymen,
Today we have gathered here to celebrate the 75th Independence Day of India. This is our important national festival. Wishing you all a very Happy Independence Day on this auspicious occasion.
India got independence from British rule on 15th August in 1947. This is the day when we got freedom from British rule after many years of hard struggle by great freedom fighters of India.
We can never forget the sacrifices of our freedom fighters who lost their lives for their country at a young age. We cannot ignore our great leaders who taught Indians a great lesson of non-violence.
After independence, our India is progressing in the fields like science, technology, education, sports. We can choose our own government. We have every right to enjoy the largest democracy in the world.
But even today many problems like terrorism, corruption, inequality, unemployment exist in our country.
As responsible citizens of the country, today we all take a pledge that to solve these problems, we all together will do our best and make India the best country in the world.
Jai Hind Jai Bharat.
Best Speech for 15 August 2025 4:
The day of 15th August is very important in the history of our Indian country. On this day in 1947, India got freedom from the slavery of the British.
Many Indian heroes made invaluable contributions to liberating the country of India. Many freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhiji, Pandit Nehru, Subhash, Tilak, Pandey, Patel etc. dedicated their lives to liberate the country. Revolutionaries like Azad, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, etc. sacrificed their lives by spreading the fire of revolution in the country.
All the Indians together started the Satyagraha movement etc. against the British. Eventually the British left our country.
Today, 15th August has become the national festival of our country. On this day every year the Prime Minister of the country hoists the national flag at the Red Fort of Delhi because in 1947, on 15th August, Pandit Nehru unfurled the national flag on the ramparts of Delhi’s Lale. The national anthem is sung in major institutions on this day. Tributes are paid to all the martyrs.
The present Prime Minister of our country gives a message to the nation. This day is celebrated with great pomp in all schools and colleges.
Today all of us Indians are enjoying living in the country of independent India. Hence; It is our duty to always protect our freedom. Try sincerely to take your country forward in every field.
Speech 5:
Respected Chief Guest Sir, Respected Teachers, Parents and Colleagues.
I feel very happy to get this opportunity to express my thoughts to you on this auspicious occasion of Independence Day.
This is our 75th Independence Day celebration. Today we have gathered here to celebrate the 75th Independence Day of our country. Exactly 75 years ago today, we became independent. We cannot describe how we got freedom. Independence Day means a lot to every citizen of India.
The great men of our country ran many movements against the British, fought and after that our India became independent. We are free today because of the brave sons of our country.
India, which had lost its existence, regained its identity on the 15th day in 1947. Since then till today we have been celebrating 15th August every year as Independence Day.
On this day we celebrate independence and remember the brave soldiers of our country who gave us freedom.
Speech 6:
Today is a very important day for all of us Indians. On this day i.e. 15th August 1947, our country was liberated from the shackles of slavery of the British.
We and our country have not got this freedom so easily. The freedom struggle was not easy. It was not easy to dream of making India independent, but the tireless struggle and sacrifice of some of the great people of our country made it possible.
We have not got this freedom for free. The price of this freedom has been paid by the brave sons of our country by giving their lives.
To win the war of independence, Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Lokmanya Tilak, Lala Lajpat Raiji etc. did many Satyagraha movements, fought without arms, many times they had to go to jail but they did not give up.
He had only one dream of an independent India, and he made it come true. After all, they did it on the strength of unity and self-confidence and it is because of their relentless struggle and sacrifice that we have come out of the shackles of the British into an open sky.
On this auspicious occasion, I would like to say to all of you that we have to protect our freedom at all costs, even if we have to sacrifice our lives for this.
At last,
Let us take a pledge to develop our India more and make it the most advanced and progressive country in the world. We all must protect our freedom.
On the occasion of Independence Day, we all should take a pledge to maintain the unity and integrity of India, only then our country will be able to move forward on the path of continuous progress.
With this we end our talk, thank you all and wish you a very Happy Independence Day.
Also Read: Independence Day Speech in Hindi
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