WordPress Blog Me CloudFlare Free HTTPS SSL Setup Kaise Kare

Google announce कर चूका है की अब ranking factor में HTTPS का major role होगा और जो वेबसाइट और ब्लॉग HTTPS इस्तेमाल करते है उनकी रैंकिंग HTTP use करने वाली sites से ज्यादा बेहतर होगीं। इसका मतलब है की अगर आप अपनी साईट पर SSL Certificate HTTPS Security इस्तेमाल करोगे तो आपकी साईट की Google Search Rank Increase होगीं। अब अगर आप SSL Certificate खरीदोगे तो आपको Rs.3000 से Rs.5000 का payment करना होगा। इसीलिए आज मैं आपको CloudFlare Flexible SSL यानि CloudFlare Free HTTPS SSL के बारे में बता रहा हु जिससे आप अपनी साईट पर फ्री में HTTPS/SSL Setup कर सकते हों और साईट की search ranking के साथ Security भी बढ़ा सकते हों।

How to setup cloudflare free https ssl wordpress

जी हां दोस्तों इसके लिए आपको एक भी पैसा खर्च करने की जरूरत नहीं हैं आप CloudFlare के free plan में भी HTTPS enable कर सकते हों। मैं इसके लिए CloudFlare को धन्यवाद करना चाहूँगा क्युकी उसकी मदद से हम अपनी साईट Free HTTPS Security इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं और अपनी साईट को अधिक secure बनाने के साथ-साथ साईट की google search ranking भी increase कर सकते हैं।

HTTPS/SSL क्या हैं और HTTP और HTTPS में क्या फर्क हैं ?

HTTPS का मतलब होता हैं Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure और HTTP का मतलब होता हैं Hyper Text Transfer Protocol यानि HTTP में secure नहीं होता जिसका मतलब है HTTP के साथ आपका data सुरक्षित नहीं हैं। जबकि HTTPS में आपकी साईट का Data Encrypted and secure  होता हैं इससे जब browser में आपकी साईट का data transfer होता है तो कोई भी hacker उसे देख नहीं सकता और चुरा नहीं सकता।

CloudFlare Free HTTPS/SSL क्या हैं ?

Internet पर आपको बहुत सारी websites मिल जाएगी जो Paid SSL Certificates और Free SSL Certificates दोनों Provide करती हैं। अगर आप Free SSL Certificate इस्तेमाल करना चाहते हो तो CloudFlare Flexible SSL सबसे बेहतर option हैं। CloudFlare अपने Free and Paid सभी plan के साथ Free SSL Certificate Provide करता हैं।

मैं इस article को इसी matter पर ज्यादा बड़ा नहीं करना चाहता तो चलिए अब जानते हैं की WordPress blog में CloudFlare Free HTTPS/SSL Setup कैसे करते हैं।

How to Setup CloudFlare Free HTTPS/SSL for WordPress in Hindi

WordPress ब्लॉग में CloudFlare Free HTTPS/SSL इस्तेमाल करने के लिए आपको ये steps follow करने है पर याद रहे सभी steps सही से follow करे ताकि इस process में कोई problem न हो और आपको किसी तरह की परेशानी का सामना न करना पड़ें।

Step 1: Create a Account

सबसे पहले आप CloudFlare site पर जाये और Sign up कर अपनी वर्डप्रेस साईट को CloudFlare में free plan select कर add कर लें। अगर आपको इसकी जानकारी नहीं है तो आप हमारी Blog पर Free CloudFlare CDN Setup कैसे करें वाली पोस्ट पढ़ कर ये आसानी से कर सकते हैं।

Step 2: Enable SSL

जब आप अपने domain को free plan में complete setup कर ले तो अपने उस domain पर click करें जिसमे आपको HTTPS set करनी हैं।

  1. अब top left में CloudFlare के icon के पास अपनी site के link पर click करें और नीचे दिये गये option में से Crypto पर क्लिक करें।
  2. अब सबसे पहले वाले SSL option में Flexible select करें।

Select Felexible

इस process से आपने CloudFlare से SSL Certificate के लिये Request किया हैं ये process 10-15 minutes में complete हो जाएगी। Process complete होने के बाद यहाँ पर Flexible के नीचे Active Certificate लिखा हुआ show होगा।

Step 3: Download and Install Plugins

अब आपको अपने WordPress blog में CloudFlare Flexible SSL और WordPress HTTPS (SSL) ये 2 plugins download कर install करने हैं। इस तरह के बहुत सारे plugins है इसीलिए मैं यहाँ आपको इनके screenshot बता रहा हु आप इन्हें देख कर ध्यान से plugin install करें।

1. CloudFlare Flexible SSL:

CloudFlare Flexible SSL

2. SSL Insecure Content Fixer:

SSL Insecure Content Fixer

Step 4: Configure SSL Insecure Content Fixer Plugin Settings

दोनों plugins install करने के बाद आपको CloudFlare Flexible SSL plugin में कुछ नहीं करना है मगर SSL Insecure Content Fixer plugin में आपको एक setting करनी होगी जिसके लिए आप ये steps follow करें आप  नीचे screenshot देख सकते हैं।

सबसे अफ्ले आप अपने blog में SSL Insecure Content Fixer plugin को install कर ले। अब इस plugin की settings में जाये।

    1. SSL Insecure Content Fixer plugin को download कर ब्लॉग में install कर active कर लें।
    2. अब plugin की settings में जाये और HTTPS detection option में HTTP_CF_VISITOR  को enable करें।
    3. Save changes पर करें।

SSL Insecure Content Fixer Settings

Step 5: Create Page Rules to Deliver Content via HTTPS

WordPress HTTPS plugin की settings active करने के बाद एक अलग windows tab में फिर से CloudFlare account पर जाये और domain select कर Page Rules पर click करें। यहाँ पर आपको दो new page rules create करने हैं।

दोनों page rules में http:// का ही इस्तेमाल करना है।First page rule में without www URL और second page rue में www के साथ URL set करना हैं। दोनों page rules में settings में Always HTTPS select करना हैं।

दोनों ही page rules में URL के बाद asterisk (*) add करना हैं। जैसे http://mozedia.com/* और http://www.supportmeindia.com/*.

  1. Without www के link add करें और link के last में (*) लगायें।
  2. Always Use HTTPS select करें।
  3. Save and deploy पर click करें।

Create a new Page rules

बिल्कुल इसी तरह आपको दूसरा page role create करना है बस उसमे www के साथ link add करना है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप ये स्क्रीनशॉट देख सकते हैं।

Create Page Rules

Step 6: Change WordPress Site Address (URL)

अब आपको अपने WordPress blog पर जा कर general settings में WordPress Address (URL) और Site Address (URL) में HTTP की जगह HTTPS set करना हैं।

  1. WordPress dashboard >> Settings >> General option पर जाये।
  2. अब WordPress Address (URL) और Site Address (URL) में HTTP की जगह HTTPS set करें।

Set https in wordpress general settings

Congratulations! अब आपकी साईट पर CloudFlare Free HTTPS/SSL successfully activate हो चूका हैं अब आप एक बार अपनी साईट को browser में open करके देख ले की HTTPS के साथ green padlock show हो रहा हैं या नहीं। एक बार browser की history, cookies and cache files delete जरुर कर ले ताकि साईट का latest version show हों।

Step 7. Check CloudFlare Flexible SSL is Working:

आपकी साईट पर HTTPS/SSL work कर रहा है या नहीं इसका पता करने के लिए आप SSL checker sites पर अपनी site के pages  check कर सकते हैं। इसके लिए sslshopper.comऔर ssllabs.com sites सबसे बेहतर हैं इनके अलावा आप whynopadlock.com पर भी site report check कर सकते हैं।

Step 8. WordPress Blog में HTTPS Mixed Content Error को Fix कैसे करें ?

अगर आपकी साईट पर https work नहीं कर रहा है और green padlock show नहीं हो रहा हैं तो इसका मतलब है की आपकी साईट पर HTTPS Mixed Content Error है यानि आपकी साईट पर बिना  HTTPS के HTTP वाले link add हैं आपको इन सभी links में http:// की जगह https:// लगाना हैं।

इसके लिए आप SSL Insecure Content Fixer और  Search & Replace  WordPress plugins use कर सकते हैं। CloudFlare Free HTTPS/SSL के लिए SSL Insecure Content Fixer best हैं।

अगर अभी भी problem हो तो आप search & replace प्लगइन से blog के सारे internal links में http की जगह https set कर ले ताकि SEO पर bad effect न पड़ें और आपकी साईट की search rank बनी रहें।

Note:- आपको सिर्फ अपनी साईट के domain URL में http:// की जगह https:// set करने की जरुरत हैं बाकि external links को change करने की कोई जरुरत नहीं हैं।

Finally,  सबकुछ complete करने के बाद आपको site और site sitemap को google webmaster tool और बाकि सभी webmaster tools  में फिर से submit करना होगा ताकि search engines आपकी साईट के pages को HTTPS के साथ index कर सकें। साथ ही आप google analytics property में भी http की जगह https set कर लें।

इस तरह से आप अपनी WordPress site में Free CloudFlare HTTPS/SSL set up कर सकते हो। अगर आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आये तो इसे सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर जरुर करें।

Reader Interactions

Comments (269)

  1. bhai ye SSL use lene ke bad kai bar green lock hat jata hai or “Not fully secure” show karta hai, eska kya solution ho sakata hai

    • जब आप की वेबसाइट के बीच में कोई http लिंक होता है तो ऐसा होता है, आप उस http को https में replace कर दो परेशानी खत्म हो जाएगी।

  2. सर मैंने डोमेन के लिए पहले से 2 पेज रोल क्रिएट किये. Cloudflare पे सिर्फ 3 ही पेज रोल फ्री में क्रिएट कर सकते है. अब मुझे सबडोमेन के लिए पेज रोल क्रिएट करने है. अब इस अकाउंट में सिर्फ एक ही फ्री पेज रोल क्रिएट कर सकते है.

    मै यह कहना चाहती हूँ कि, एक पेज रोल से काम चल जाएगा या दो पेज रोल क्रिएट करने होगे. क्योंकि दूसरा पेज रोल क्रिएट करने के लिए पैसे लगेंगे.

    या फिर कोई बढ़िया आयडिया दीजिये.

    • आप http://example.com/* को https://www.example.com/$1 पर रीडायरेक्ट करके एक पेज रूल से http to https redirect कर सकते हो

  3. सर ji Sub-domain के लिए Page roll create करना होगा क्या ? या सिर्फ wordpress ब्लॉग में सेटिंग करनी होगी https के लिए..

    • दोनों करना पड़ेगा

  4. 1 – Mai aPNA blog me Namecheap ka SSL certificate lagaya hu. Mai chahta hu CDN aur SSL dono ek sath use karu aaisa ho sakta hai.

    2 – Make fewer HTTP requests क्या होता है । पिछले कुछ दिनों से ब्लॉग की speed 1 second तक बढ गया please help sir

  5. Thanks bro, Awesome post ke liye .

  6. Sir Mai Step 6 Nahi Kar Pa Raha Hu. Mai Godaddy se Manged WordPress Liya hu , Url me HTTPS Lagane ka Option Hi Nahi Hai WordPress Aadmin Page me. Kya Karu?

    • Contact your hosting support.

    • आप phpmyadmin से url को change करोगे तो हो जायेगा.

      • Thanx Its working Bhai..Bahut Bahut Dhnyabad

  7. muje meri website ke Liye SSL certificate buy Karna hai
    but Maine HTTP pe jo backlink bnaye hai kya muje https me redacted ho jayega
    plz help me

    • Yes ho jayega.

  8. Mobile me kyu nahi khul raha hai blog. your connection is not private dikha raha hai after ssl setup cloudflare ka. reply fast……?????

    • Mobile browser update karke open karo.

  9. your post are always helpful for me. I have successfully used https on my site. Thankyou

  10. Bhai agar hum http to https migration ke baad Search Console me Fetch as Google ke tareeke se fast indexing karen, to site ki ranking par koi negative effective to nahi padega?

    Ek aur baat Fetch as Google wale tareeke se kewal Desktop par hi karne jaroori hain ya mobile par kar dene se bhi koi fark nahi padega?

    • No problem kar sakte ho, dono par kar lo.

  11. Hello Bhai, Thanks. Maine aapki is post ki help se apne blog par free SSL setup kar diya hai. Par ek doubt hai.

    Maine apne blog me internal links of fix nahi kiya hai, balki ek plugin use kiya hai. (Real-Time Find and Replace)

    Ye plugin ye kaam karta hai ke aapki post ke data ko bina change kiye browser me display karte samaye aapke links ko https me convert kar deta hai.

    To kya Google Search Engine bhi un links ko sahi manega ya fhir redirect links manega?


    • Good lekin jab plugin uninstall karoge to problem hogi, aap search & replace plugin se apni site ke internal links me http to https replace kar lo.

  12. Good information bro

  13. Bhai man lijiye hum Cloudflare par blog set karke iska free ssl certificate use karte hai. To jab hame ssl certificate change karna hoga. Man lijiye Godaddy se lena hoga, to pahle hame kya karna hoga. Kya iske steps kya honge. Plese brief me batayiye.

    (Aur bhai ye bhi batayiye aap ne Godaddy se kitne me ssl buy kiya hai)

    • Kuch bhi nahi karna hai bas cpanel par godaddy ssl install karna hai aur cloudflare ssl off karna hai. Maine Domain validation wala plan liya tha kuch offer tha us time, aap check kar sakte hai.

  14. 1- maine apni site pe https enable kar liya hai aur sitemap bhi submit kar diya hai to mera sawal ye hai ki sabhi post url kitne din me index ho jate hai? fast indexing ke liye kuch karna hoga ya google par hi chhod de?

    2- wordpress install karte time maine without www ke urk ko select kiya.jisse ki meri site https://example.com ke form me open hoti hai. but ab mai url ko https://www.example.com ke jaisa karna chahta hu to ye kaise possible hai? kya mujhe apna wordpress blog uninstall kar ke fir se install karna hoga.?

    3- to kya fir se google webmaster tool and analytics me site submit karna hoga?

    • 1. No fix time, aap http to https migration complete karke search console me blog homepage ko fetch karo aur request indexing me “Crawl this URL and its direct links” option select karo. Isse aapke sabhi URL fast index ho jayenge.
      2. Nahi, aap search and repalce plugin se URL me www add kar sakte ho.
      3. Yes, aap GWT aur analytics dono me https se site submit karni hogi.

      • 1- mere blog ka url without www ke form me yani ki https://example.com hai to kya is wajah se pingdom tool me “Serve static content from a cookieless domain” 74 tak hai? isko 100 tak kaise karu?

        2- kya is type ka url ( https://example.com ) accha nahi mana jata? mujhe isko aise hi rehne dena chahiye ya fir www add karna chahiye??

          • sir maine aapka ye post read kar ke 4 se 5 baar alag alag blog par https enable kiya hai. but na jane kyu ab enable nahi ho raha, sab kuch try kar liya maine. mixed content ko fix karne ke liye search & replace plugin ko bhi use kar ke dekh liya but https enable nahi ho raha … kaise enable karu sir?

          • Kya problem ho rahi hai, iske sath forum par question pucho, uska solution bhi bta dunga.

  15. sir aapka blog bahut helpfull rhta hai mere liye

  16. sir jab mai cloudflare flexible ssl plugin ko install karne jata hu to waha par “untested with your version of wordpress” show hota hai aur ye plugin 1 year se update bhi nahi hua hai to kya aise plugin ko install karna thik hoga? koi problem to nahi?

    kya is plugin ki jagah koi aur plugin use kar sakte hai? agar ha to bataye

    • Nahi, free ssl ke liye aapko ye plugin use karna chahiye warna ssl sahi se work nahi karega.

  17. sir manne sab shai se kiya but ab me apni wordpress admin me login nhi kr pa rha hu kya kru

    • Sab sahi se karte to koi problem nahi hoti. Aap firefox browser me http ke sath log in karo.

  18. Hello Sir, Great article 🙂

    cloudflare kitne time ke liye free SSL provide karti hai…

    • Lifetime.

  19. hello sir mai bluehost se https buy kiya hu aur install bhi kar liya hu lekin mere site ki post https aur http dono aate hai isko fix kaise karu please btaiyena.

    sir fix hone ke bad site ko fir se search en. me dalna padega kya.

    • Aap http to https redirection set karo. Yes, aapko search console me https version submit karna hai.

  20. hello sir cdn page rules mein url kis ka dalna hai apni website ka bata dijiye

    • cdn.example.com dalna hai.

  21. sir, ssl content secure fixer install karta hu to ye error aa jataa hai, (The plugin ssl-insecure-content-fixer/ssl-insecure-content-fixer.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.)

    kya karu

    • Try another plugin like simple ssl.

  22. SSL Certificate kya website ke liye jaruri hai ?

    • Jaruri nahi hai lekin better hai future ke liye.

  23. sir subdomain me free https use kar skte hai kya please jarur btana sir

    • Yes kar sakte hai.

  24. sir mera cpanel mere url se open nhi ho rha hai .mene cloudflare me pucha to unhone kha hosting jha se li hai wha pucho.hostgator se pucha to wha btaya ki name server clouldflare ke hai eslie cpanel url se open nhi hoga link se open kro
    mene kl cloudflare se ssl certificate liya tha

    plzz eske baare me btae

    • Aap cloudflare me ek cname record add karo aur uske samne ke cloudflare icon ko tick karke disable kar do fir aapka cpanel open ho jayega.

  25. Jume deen sir

    Maine apni site per aapki is post main btaye anusar cloudfalare se ssl certificate 6month phle lagaya tha Jo abhi tak sahi work kar rha hai ab meri paresani ye hai ki kal mujhe webmaster team se ek email mila hai

    Ab mujhe kya karna hoga kya cloudfalare runnig account me koi problems hai ya fir ab mujhe paid certificate Lena padega

    Sahi margdarsan kare

    • Message sahi hai but no worry, Aap cloudflare analytics report me unsecure request check kar sirf kuch log hote hai jo SNI not support browser use karte hai bak isabhi me SSL work karta hai.

  26. sir jab mai apni site ko abc.com se open karta hu, to wo http://www.abc.com me open hoti hai, but jab https:www.abc.com se open karta hu, to wo https:www.abc.com hi open hoti hai.
    sir mai janna chahta hu ki kya koie aisa tarika hai ki meri site ko koei kaise bhi likhe. but wo https ke sath hi open ho.
    please sir help me. aap ki site hamesha https se hi open hoti hai.

    • http to https redirection sahi se karo.

  27. Sir , maine Godaddy se Ssl certificate buy kiya hai or Mai Usko Bluehost india par setup kar raha hu . Private key generate ke sath Mai crt file or bundle upload karke cpanel me certificate install karta hun toh private key don’t match batata hai . Kafi baar try kar cuka hun .

    • Hosting support se bat karo wo aapko SSL install karke de denge.

  28. Sir mai apne blog me login nahi kar pa raha hu. aapne jaise kaha tha ki setting me jaake generel me jana hai aur http ke jagah https karna hai, maine same vaisa hi kiya, lekin maine https/www bhi laga diya. pahle meri site bina bina www ke set thi. jaise hi www lagaya mai logout ho gaya. sir ab login nahi ho paa raha hu kaise login karu.

    • Aap browser cache clear kar www ke sath log in karo ya cpanel ke through database me ja kar wordpress url aur site url change karo uske bad lg in karo.

  29. sir mai sabhi process kr rha hun. par padlock nhi aa rha he.

    • Mixed content ko fix karo.

  30. I have installed an SSL certificate on my WordPress website. The https url of my website is working, but it is not shown in green colour. when I click on the top icon in chrome, it shows “your connection to this file is not fully secure

    • Please fix mixed content error replace http to https.

  31. Sir Maine SSL certificate set kar liya hai jaisa bataya tha vaise hi… Lekin jab me koi article publish karne ke liye publish par click karta hu to ” 500 error” aa jata hai aur refresh karne par wapas sahi ho jata hai… Kaise solve karu please batao???

    • Aap site par www use karo ye problem nahi hogi.

  32. Sir mujhe SSL certificate cloudflare se disable karna hai kaise Karu kyuki meri post me Abhi bhi https:// as rha hai jiski vajah se link open karne par vh your connection is not private bta Raha hai

    • Is post me btaye tariko ko ulta follow karo or apni site ke URL me https ki jagah http add karo.

  33. assalamu alaiqum bro mai apni site apki batayi hui article jaisa same kiyaa phir bhi error araha hai maine ssl active kiyaa bro chek kiya . par site open nahi ho rahi hai plzz help kare

    • Already kah chuka hu step carefully follow kare.

  34. Phele WordPress https plugin and cloudflare flexible ssl plugins kaa tutorial iss post me bataya gaya tha but ab yaha one plugin change ho gaya hai.

    mene phele wale plugin ko use kar https setup kiya tha, ab mujhe apna blog wapas se http par krna hai

    ab jab mai cloudflare flexible plugin ko disable karta hu to mera blog puri tarah se down ho jata hai kya aap bata skte hai ki mai wapas se http pr kese ayu.

    kya process ko follow karu?

    • Is process ko ulta follow karo. Means pahle blog me https ki jagah http set karo uske bad cloudflare me se ssl disable karo baki https setting like page rules ko delete karo.

  35. setting me mera URL change nhi ho rha hai
    par site secure show karne laga hai
    iske liye kuchh karna to nhi padega na

  36. Sir Https Lag Jane Ke Baad Kya In Sbhi Plugins Ko Remove Kar Sakte Hai.

    • Nahi.

  37. sir maine ek hi page rule create kiya hai www ke sath dosra hua nhi par meri site par ssl lag gaya toh isse koi nuksaan toh nhi hai

    • Nahi but aapko dusra page rule bhi create karna chahiye taki redirection problem na ho.

  38. sir ab ssl mein left side main status main yeh likha aa raha hai active certificate ab sir aage ke step follow karoon

    • Yes, Ab kar sakte ho.

      • thnku sir…..You have a great teacher for me……

  39. sir flexible ke niche activate certificate ka option nhi aa raha hai par overview mein status active bata raha hai.kya kare sir

    • Maine certificate check karne ke liye bhi site btayi hai un par check karo ki aapki site par SSL work kar raha hai ya nahi.

  40. sir step 5 ko ek bar smja dijiye maine ssl plugin ki setting tak kar liya hai age smj nhi aa rha ye 5 step btaye

    • Page rule create karke aapko http to https redirection karna hai. Step ke sath screenshot bhi diya hua hai wo follow karo.

  41. sir mene abhi abhi apna blog banaya hai usme koi post nhi dala hai usme yeh likh k aa raha hai dashboard page pr …….

    No SSL was detected. If you do have an ssl certificate, try to reload this page over https by clicking this link: reload over https. You can check your certificate on Qualys SSL Labs

    please sir meri madad kare

  42. Hello bro yah kuch samaj me nahi aaya 2 plugin download karne hai isme dusra plugins WordPress HTTPS (SSL) iska kya krna hai?

    WordPress HTTPS (SSL) aur SSL insecure content fixer ye dono ek hi hai ya alag alag?

    Kyuki aapne insecure content fixer ki setting batayi hai

    • Dono me se koi ek use kar sakte ho.

  43. सर मैंने ssl सेटअप कर लिया और सर्च कंसोल में https वर्शन भी add & verify कर लिया। क्या पुराने प्रॉपर्टी यानि http का पूरा डाटा https में ट्रांसफर हो जायेगा अपने आप। और सर, http वर्शन वाले प्रॉपर्टी का क्या करना है ?

    • yes ho jayega. Old property ko bhi ad rahne do or new property https ke sath submit karo.

  44. Maine apki post read krke same steps follow kiye the bt last me jb m apni site google me apne krta hn to “YOUR CONNECTION IS NOT SECURE” Ka Error aa rha h or site open ni ho rhi h!
    Maine apko Screenshot k sath eamil b ki h.

    • Browser cache clear kar page refresh karo.

  45. Bhai mene is article ko padkar apne blog par SSL certificate ad kiya tha but kush dino pahale mera blog band ho . Log in hi nahi ho raha tha.mene godaddy se phone par bat ki to unhone set to kar diya but kaka SSL certificate hata de. Usi ki wajah se ye error aa rha hai. Ab mene hata diya hai .but problem ye hai.200 plus url par 404 error aa raha hai. Aur serch console me sitemap bhi submit nahi ho raha hai.

    Isni sari post ko kaise redirect karu.

    Iska sahi solution kya hai

    • Abhi aapka blog sahi se open ho raha hai. I hope no problem.

  46. jumedeen bro, mere kuchh question hai, jinke mujhe answere nahi mil rahe hai. maine aaj pehli bar aapki post par comment ki hai, oummeed karta hun, aap meri comment ka reply zaroor karenge.

    1. maine hostgaror se hatchling plan liya hai, jisme https nahi hai. agar mai business plan le lu, jisme ki mujhe https already milega. to kya mujhe cloud flare ko bhi use karna zaroori hoga.

    2. http se https karne ke baad mere adsense account me kya change karna hoga.

    3. google search console me meri site http se submit hai, ese https me change kaise karu.

    4. kya google search console me submit property ko delet karke, new https wali property ko verify karun. esse koei problem to nahi hogi.

    5. goole analytics me site url ko https kais karenge.

    please , en sabhi question ke answere de. ye problem bahut sare logo ki ho sakti hai.

    • 1. Nahi, chaho to kar sakte ho. Wese aapko https cloudflare se bhi mil jayega.
      2. Nothing
      3. https ke sath new property submit karo.
      4. Nahi http wali ko rahne do or sath me https ke sath bh isubmit karo.
      5. Setting me ja kar site URL ke samne http:// ki jagah https:// select karna hai bas.

  47. Sir
    Cloudflare kitne month ke liye free certificate provide karata hai??

    • Always

  48. Sir Maine ye kar liya hai. jab main apne website ko open kar rha hu to (Not secure) aa rha hai. aur file note found 404 error aa rha hai.Maine kya kru Please Help me sir

    • Proper http to https change karo. Maine aesi problem wali dusri comments ke answer diye hai wo check karo.

  49. Thank you for such a learnable post. I did the same as you wrote in this article but there is some problem when i complete last move to http:// to https:// from then i am not able to access wp/admin area. could you please advice what cause for this problem?

    • Cloudflare flexible SSL activate nahi hua hai. Ise activate hone me 24 hours tak lag sakte hai. Aap check kare ki aapne upar btaye dono plugin proper install kar liye hai. Cloudflare flexible plugin install karna jaruri hai.

  50. Sir mere WordPress me permalink http show karta hai

    • Redirection sahi se karo or mixed content issue ko solve karo.

  51. jumedeen bhai meri site ke home page par green lock nhi aa raha h but other page par aa raha h ap site dekh ke bataiye kya problem h.

    • Mixed content issue hai. Apni site ke sabhi URL me http:// ki jagah https:// set kare. i see aapki site par GIF ke link me http hai use https karo.

      • mene search & replace use kar liya but yahi problem aa rahi h

        • Manot I say last time please fix mixed content issue. Maine aapko kaha tha ki news gif me abhi bhi http hai sue solve karo. Chrome browser me site open karke F12 key press karo or console select karo jaha isse hoga dikhayi dega.

  52. https hone ke bad bhi permalink me post name url http:// se shuru to raha hai.

    ex . http://www.exmaple.com/sample-post/

    iska kya effect honga aur ise https kaise kiya jaye

    • Aap 301 redirection sahi se karo. 301 guideline read karo.

  53. hello sir maine sab kuch set kar liye but your connection is not private bata raha hai.

    • Wait SSL certificate ko activate hone do.

  54. hir mene ssl active kar diya uske baad page rules bhi kar diye lakin ab mera dasboard bhi open nahi ho raha hai.

    404 Not Found
    Please forward this error screen to http://www.speedindia24.com‘s WebMaster.
    The server can not find the requested page:

    bta raha hai please sir iska solution btaye

    • Abhi aapka blog proper work kar raha hai or dashboard bhi open ho raha hai. I think koi problem nahi hai.

  55. sir dashboard kisi bhi setting ko open karne ke liye baar baar username or password mang raha hai iska solution bataye

    • Log in karte time password remember wale option ko select kiya karo.

      • nahi ho raha sir, login url dalane ke bad aisa show kar raha hai.

        This page isn’t working

        • Ok abhi aap cloudflare me page rules ko remove karo usse URL redirect ho raha hai. Uske bad mozilla me browser cache clear kar try karna.

  56. Bro,
    mere WordPress blog par ssl certificate activate tha. par galti se mene cloudeflare ki plugin hi deactivate kardi. abhi me apne dashboard login nahi kar pa raha hun. kya karu? jab login url dalta hun. tab bab browser aise show kar raha hai.
    — This page isn’t working

    • Aap cloudflare me ja kar ssl ko off karo uske bad wordpress par log in kar cloudflare wala plugin install karo uske bad fir se cloudflare me ja kar ssl enable karo.

    Mene WordPress site me blog bnay he Lekin me ne dini message published kiya he… Vo dikhae nahi deta.. Please batana

    • Aapki site ka URL btao taki main check kar saku.

  58. Hello sir maine abhi apni blog http://www.IndiaHelpz.com par apki ye post padh ke HTTPS Activate kiya hai lekin ab meri site khul nhi rahi hai. Please help kijiye meri!….

    • Same process fir se repeat karo.

  59. ssl enable ho jane ke baad kya kya karna hoga?

    • Read post carefully again.

  60. sir usme always https ka option nhi arha hai
    mene usme always online kr ke wordpress pr wardpress site me
    https kr diya ab mrea wordpress ka database bhi nhi khul rha kya kru ab

    • Wait jaise hi cloudflare ssl activate hoga always https ka option aa jayega. First aapko cloudflare plugin install karna tha. Agar aapne wo nahi kiya hai to cloudflare flexible option ko off karke or always use https etc. all encrypt features ko disable karke first aap blog me cloudflare plugin install karo.

  61. सर मैंने ssl सेटअप कर लिया। pc पर सबकुछ सही है। लेकिन मोबाइल (क्रोम) पर पेज लोड होने के टाइम ग्रीन पेडलॉक ग्रीन के साथ आया है लेकिन जैसे ही पेज पूरी तरह लोड हो जाता है सिर्फ https (बिना ग्रीन कलर & पेडलॉक ) के हो जाता है। (https://shiksha karni.in)

    • Iska matlab abhi bhi aapke page me http:// wale link hi http ki jagah https set karo.

  62. Sir Aisa karne ke bad hame Backlink dubara se banani padengi kya ya purani backlink hi effective hongi

    • Purani backlinks bhi rahegi. But social share count remove ho sakte hai.

  63. Bhai after setting page open karta hu to ye likha ata hai
    Your connection is not private

    admin page aur website dono me ye khulta hai

    myhindihelp.com hai

    • Mere pas koi error nahi aa raha hai aap mozilla me try kare.

  64. ok bro!
    मुझसे कुछ मिस्टेक हुई थी| अब मेने successfully ssl certificate setup कर लिया है| अब मुझे सिर्फ इतना बाताओ| की, search console में क्या change करू?
    और सबसे जरुरी बात जब मेने search console में property ad की थी| तब http://—-.com ऐसा डाला था| उस प्रॉपर्टी को delete करके फिरसे https:// लगाकर ad करू|

    • Nahi use delete nahi karna hai. Aap http: or https: se 2 property add karo or jab aapke sare URL https se index ho jaye tab http wali property ko delete karna.

  65. Bhai setting me General me URL nahi aa raha hai

    first site title
    site tagline

    ye options hai

    par google me link par https aa raha hai

    all post par https ho gaya hai ab ise google me kaise index kare

    • Aaap mujhe screenshot dikha sakte ho.

  66. sir mene aapke post ko achhese follow kiya, par 8 din ho gaye hai.par abhitak flexible ke niche activate najar nahi aa raha kya karu.

    2.search console me server connectivity timeout aisa show kar raha hai kya karu.

    • Aapne koi glati ki hai ek bar sabhi steps check karo or apne blog ka link btao main check karta hu.

  67. जैसा आपने बताया है , सब कुछ वैसा ही मैं अपने ब्लॉग ( https://bloggingcool.com/ ) पर https ssl का setup कर लिया हु. लेकिन green padlock, जब साईट ओपन हो रहा होता है सिर्फ तभी थोड़े समय के लिए दिखता है. और उसके बाद नही दिखता. Green padlock बाद में गायब क्यों हो जा रहा है.
    प्लीज आप एक बार check करके बताने का कृपा करें.
    Thank You !

    • Aapke blog me mixed content issue hai yani abhi bhi http:// wale URL hai unhe change karo.

  68. bhai ye btaoki ky yah sab karne par site ki hosting cloudfare par chali jayegi kya aur https free ssl certificate 90 din ki hi hogi kya

    • Nahi, aapki site aapki hosting par hi host rahegi. 90 day ke bad ssl apne aap renew ho jayega.

  69. dost bahut bahut shukriya iss post ke liye kuch jawah janana hai aapse kripya uttar dijiye

    1) Console me https ke sath site submit karne ke baad kya http wale property ko delete kar sakte hai ? Agar ha toh kab matlab https puri tarah submit hone ke baad ya tabhi

    2) Aapke sabhi post me https wale interlink hai kya aapne aabhi post me manually jakar aisa kiya hai ya koi plugin hai iske liye please help yr

    • 1. Haa jab aapke blog ke https wale sabhi URL google me index ho jaye.
      2. Iske liye search & replace plugin use karo.

      • Mujhe nahi pata search and replace plugin kaise use karte hai aur google par isse related koi post bhi nahi hai. Please aap bata dijiye kaise use karte hai

        • Aap search and & replace plugin ki guidelines follow karo ya fir SSL Insecure Content Fixer Plugin use karo.

  70. sir ek baar ssl setp karne ke baad plugin delete kar sakte hai na…?

    • Nahi. Plugin ke bina SSL work nahi karega.

  71. maine ye steps kiye to meri site ka admin panal bhi nhi khul raha hai.. bta raha hai not secure 404 error ab kya karu mein….

    • Aapko thoda wait karna chahiye tha. Jab cloudflare SSL certificate activate ho jaye tab aapko wordpress blog me http ki jagah https karna tha.

  72. Bro Kya mai without plugin cpanel ki help se apne blog me https (ssl) use kar sakta hu. If yes to kaise

    • Is agar aap nginx server use kar rahe ho to iske bare me aap apne hosting providers se bat kare.

  73. Homepage Open Krne par padlock show ho rha hai but, Post open krne par httpas likha a rha hai but padlock nhi a rha

    • Aapki site par mixed content error hai jis page par padlock show nahi ho raha use open kar view page source code check karo ki koi without https link to nahi hai agar ho to use fix karo.

  74. bhai mai ssl certificate add kar raha tha sbhi porccess theek se kiya ab meri site aur admin panel open nhi ho rahi hai
    techloverguide.com hai meri site plz check it

    • Abhi aapka blog proper open ho raha hai.

      • Par admin panel open nahi ho raha hai

        • Aap cpanel par jao or phpmyadmin par click kar apne blog ka dashboard URL change kar https se http karo uske bad fir se is post ke btaye steps follow karo apane blog ka link change nahi kiya or plugins ko pahle hi isntall kar lena.

          • bhai ho gya par ese cpanel ke file directory me jaa kar wp admin folder me se plugin folder me dono plugin ko delete ksr diya. bhai support karne ke liye thanks

          • Bro me cpenal me phpmyadmin me pahoc Gaya lekin dashboard ka url https se http Kaise kare means iska opsen kaha he

          • phpmyadmin option par ja kar wp_options par lcick karo yaha aaapko wordpress url or site url ke 2 option milenge dono me https ke sath link add karo.

  75. nice post, google ki taraf se koi updation hue hai kya? mari website http// mai hai jab website firefox and chrome mai open kar raha hu to home page to open ho raha hai, but kisi bhi article par click kar raha hun to page khul raha hai magar content show nahi ho raha hai or bus blue screen show ho rahi hai and just ads jo page par chal rahi hai…..

    url ke pas lock mai red cross show ho raha hai, how to solve this problem bro?

    • Ye google update nahi aapke blog ki theme / template me coding problem hai.

  76. after installing cloudflare i am getting 503 service unavailable error how to fix it? i do not want to purchase more resources.

    • Please set DNS record carefully.

  77. Bhai maine godaddy se domain aur hosting dono kharid Li h…
    But mai ye janna chahta hu ki bina www add kre apna blog kaise kholu..
    Maine direct domain aur hosting kharid k blogging start ki h..

    • Aap hosting cpanel par jao or DNS record me www dns record add karo nahi kar pate ho to hosting care me bat karo wo kar denge.

  78. Search console me Redirection ki problem aa rahi thi isliye with https// ke saath site phir se submit kar di hai problem to nahi hogi na

    Kya aapne bhi aisa hi kiya hai ya aapki property with http:// se hi save hai console me

    • SSL use karne ke bad GWT me property fir se https ke sath submit karni hoti hai ye main post me bhi bta chuka hu.

  79. Step 6 – Karna jaruri hai kya ?
    Kyuki meri website Godaddy Hosting par hai aur waha Direct Url change karne ki feature available nahi hai phir bhi meri site https ke open ho rahi hai !

    • Agar aapko problem nahi ho rahi hai to mat karo. Problem hone par karna chahiye.

  80. Kyu sir phle wordpress mai cloud fare ko setup kar liya jay uske bad jab wo process complete ho jay tabhi SSL certificate ka process complete kare

    • Yes kar sakte ho.

      • Sir yeh bata dijiye ismein hum kitne site add kar saktey hai

        • Aap apni sabhi sites ko add kar sakte ho.

  81. bahut hi badhiya jankari, mera aapse ek sawal hai bhai maine apni site indihow par ssl laga diya hai aur wo sahi work bhi kar raha lekin mai ye janna chahta hu mera domain without www ke setup hai aur aapke site ka domain with www ke sath setup ab aise ssl certificate ke liye www recommend hai ya nhi aur aisa q hai ? mujhe ummid hai aap mere sawal ko ache samjh kar jawab dege….

    q ki www ko ssl ke sath hona chahiye ya nhi is sawal ko leke mujhe kafi confusion hai aur ho sakta dusre Bloggers ko bhi ho.

    • Yes hai kyuki isse jab koi aapki site ko www ke sath open karega to bhi site open hogi warna error show hoga.

  82. Thanks bro, its works for me

  83. bhai meri site google se remove ho gai he.
    search console se ek msg aaya “sneaky mobile redirects detect” tab se google me kuchh show nahi kar rha he iski koi post he to link de do ya solution bata do.

    • Aapki site kisi or site par redirect ho rahi thi isiliye google ne remove kiya hai.

  84. Sir me blogger ke liye professional looking template use karna chahta hu koun se site se use karu.

    • Khud design karo sabse best hai.

  85. Sir ye bataye ki hame kam se kam aur jyada se jyada kitne monthly search volume ka keyword use karna chahiye.

    dusari baat ye bataye ki jab hum google par keyword search karte hai to hame google par keyword ka low, midiam ya high kaise malum hoga aur kiska search volume kam ya jyada hai ye kaise malum hoga.

    • No comment aap jitna ho sake jyada search result wala keyword use karo trafifc jyada milega.
      adwords keywor planner tool use karo.

      • Hi dear meine adword mein apna account banaya hua hai but keyword surching ka option nahi aa raha hai
        3 option mangta hai 2 complete kardiya paiment wala nahi kiya hai iska koi sulotion hai kya kya karun kuchh samajh mein nahi aaraha hai 2 emails hai 2 mein hi yeh paiment wala option aaraha hai kya isko delete karke fir se account bana sakte hain or 1 baat yahan par kuchh mere khas keyword bhi aarahe hain or niche ad creat ka option bhi kya kar ke iska fayda le sakta hun plz help me

        • Aap dusre SEO tool use kar sakte hai like Semrush.

  86. Namaste Jume deen ji. main aapse kuchh question puchh raha hoon. jawab dekar please meri help kare.

    1- 500 word aur 1000 word ki post me kitne keyword use karne chahiye.

    2- word ke kitne pratishthit keyword use karne chahiye.

    3- post ka first and last paragraph kitni line ka kitna badha hona chahiye.

    4- post ke first and last paragraph me kitne keyword use karne chahiye.

    • 1. Post me aap ek main keyword ko target karo uske sath sirf jaruri keywords hi use karo.
      2. maximum 2.5% yani 1000 words ki post me ek keyword ko 25 bar use kar sakte ho.
      3. 5 to 7 lines me.
      4. 1-2 bar ya jyada jarurat ho to 3 bar isse jyada nahi.

  87. Great Post again Mr Jume Deen Khan,

    Nice post and Thanks,

    Me Godaddy se WordPress Hosting Use kar raha hu.par waha par Settings->General-> me http me Edit nahi ho raha,please problem ka koi solution do.


    • Aap direct cpanel me ja kar phpmyadmin par click karo or wp_options me ja kar site and home url change karo.

  88. sir ye to kamaal ki information di apne.
    Mera 1 saval tha,
    Mai hostgator.in ki hosting use karta hu jisme sab kuch unlimited mila hai lekin Hostgator.in ek din me kitne visitors hamari website par asani se manage kar leta hai vo bhi bina website slow hue.

    • 10k to 20k handle kar sakte hai.

  89. hi jumeen, I run website name healthnuskhe. I want to know,
    kya adsense ke saath other ads channel like adnow, taboola,mgid type program use karne se adsense ki income par effect padta hai. Mine laghbhag sabhi websites me other ads ko dekha hai but aapki is website pe mi nahi milta. Please guide me

    • Yes kar sakte ho nahi main jyada d network use nahi karta.

  90. Hi Jume Deen Bhai, aapne jaisa samzaya waisa maine apply kiya mere blog me lekin firefox browser me to green lock bata raha hai lekin chrome browser pe nahi bata raha, maine sab cookie, history delete karke dekhi or browser bhi update kiya lekin fir bhi nahi hua, or jaisa aapne bataya “SSL Insecure Content Mixer” plugin “HTTP_CF_VISITOR” Select karne ko bola to woh bhi try kiya fir bhi nahi hua, or is plugin me muze “HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO” recommended bata raha hai wo bhi try kiya lekin nahi hua, please help

    • ek or baat puchhna chahunga ki google analytics me hame site wapas submit karni padegi ya fir nahi qki maine analytics me http ki jagah https kar diya hai lekin jab google webmaster https property ko analytics ke saath connect karta hu to http hi dika rha hai, kya karu ?

      • Nahi sirf http ki jagah https set karna hai.

    • Chorme browser me blog open karo fir right click kar view page source par click kar uska source code check kar. dekho ki usme koi witohut https ke link hai ya nahi fir same process se mozilla me check karo. Kei par page refresh karne ke bad bhi chrome me cache file delete nahi hoti hai.
      Agar fir bhi chrome me greenlock show na ho to ek bar cloudflare me ja kar developer mode enable kar lena uske bad blog page ko chrom me refresh karna show ho jayega.

  91. jummedeen bhai mene hena ssl certificate to purchase kar liya hai or jo secure likha aata hai na wo sirf mere admin panel me likha aaraha hai lekin meri website par nahi aaraha hai. or mene jo worpress general settings me bhi dono site or wordpress url me https kardiya hai…fir bhi meri site par secure likha nahi aaraha hai bus wordpress admin panel(dashboard) wale page par hi aaraha hai.

    • Aap site ko mozilla me open karo or browser ki cache files delete kar lena uske bad site par right click kar view page source par click karo or coidng me check karo ki aapki site me koi link without https ke link to nahi hai agar hai to uski jagah https set karo problem solve ho jayegi. Second ye ssl cehcker site par check kar lena ki aapka ssl work kar raha hai ya nahi.

      • hello jumedin bhai,
        mene wo ssl checker site check kiya waha to ssl ki info de raha hai. or page source to aata hai lekin usko edit kaise karte hai wo edit nahi hota or
        ye wordpress me head tag kaha hota hai??

        • WordPress me header.php me head tag hota hai. Main in sabke lyie plugin bta chuak hu wo use karo.

  92. Sir apki site him google per search karte hai to apka title or description ke sath Jo footer me options hai WO show hote hai jese

    SEO – About Us – Blogging – WordPress

    Bilkul vese hi him kaise apni category show kare ..???

  93. Sir maine apne blog pe kia but green padlock show nhi kr rha 🙁

    error aa rha hai :- Parts of this page are not secure (such as images)

    plz say sir ki ise fix kaise kare.

    • maine post me whynopadlock wali site btayi hai us par check karo jo problem hogi pata chal jayega or aap mixed content error ko theek kar le.

  94. Jumedeen khan, i love you bhai yaar shi mai aap best blogger ho. aapke is article ko follow karke maine bhi apni site ko secure kar diya hai 🙂


    Himanshu Grewal

  95. Sir automatically Jo wapsite me window open hone ke dad ads redirect hone lagte hai WO sab hum blog me use kar sakte hai kya kya blogger isko ijazat deta hai isse kuch nuksaan to nahi hai

    • Nahi aesi site ko google achi rank nahi deta. Isse users ko problem hoti hai.

  96. bhai jaan ap ye hindi mein post likh kar acha nahi kar rahy qk hum pakistani hein or apki website ki ak ak post read karty hein par ab hum ko hindi to nahi ati so please jesy phle likh rahy the wesy e likhy esy i think apka kafi user kam huga or hmein b koch sikhny ko nhi mily ga 🙁

    • Oh! Its important. Main koshish karunga ki isi language me likhu.

  97. MahaShivratri ki Aapko Or Aapke Parivaar Ko Dher Shaari शुभ कामनाये।

    ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

    Sir Aapne Jo Ye Article share kiya hai…
    Meine Aapki Saari step ko follow kiya hai…

    Fir Thodi der Baad Ek problm hui..
    jis me muje site login mein error aa raha tha…
    Cpanel me login kiya fir cloudflare app ko cPanel me login kiya to site open to ho gai lekin jab bhi site me kuch bhi open karta hu to ek message show hota hai cloudflare ki or se…..

    Wating your prossecing….. redirected moments…5 sec..

    Esa kyu ho raha hai..

    Or dusri baat aap mere blog ko open kar ke dekho isme bhi problem ho rahi hai Or Meri post ke jo share counting the wo sabhi 0 {zero} kyu ho gaye….


    Plzz check this blog Sir…

    • Same 2 you. naresh aapko sahi se steps follow karne chahiye the. cPanel me kuch bhi karne ki jarurat nahi thi aapko sirf 2 plugin install kar blog ka link change karna tha baki settings cloudflare me karni thi. Ab aap fir se yahi process repeat karo or sahi steps follow karo.

  98. Hello sir
    Mere man me ek sawal hai jaise meri site job portal hai job related post dalta hu aab me isme affiliated use krna chahta hu iske liye me alag page bna kar woocommerce plugin ke jariye afiletes link use kar sakta hu isse kuch dikkat to nhi hogi or mujhe link cloaking bhi karna padega ya direct flipkart aadi website se link lekar woocommerce plugin me kr sakta hu. Adsense ke liye apply nhi kiya kuch dikkat to nhi hogi

    • Yes kar sakte ho no problem.

  99. Ye Windows Xp Me Work Nhi Kr Rha Ab Kya Kre Meri Site To Open Hi Nhi Ho Rahi Aur Mere Friend Ke Browser Me Ho Rhi Uska Os Windows 8 hai plz Anwser Dijiye

    • Free plan only limited browser me work karega. All browsers ke liye aapko paid plan lena hoga.

  100. Bohot badiya post tha. Maine apne blog me free mein kar lia hai apke post padke. Thanks for sharing.

  101. Bhai Mere blog ke sitemap me kuchh problem ho gaya hai. Post ko sumbit karne ke baad bhi index nahi hota hai. Maine ek post 36 hours pahle sumbit kiya tha lekin abhi tak index nahi hua hai. Aisi hi meri 2 aur post hai jo index nahi ho rahi hai. So plz mujhe iska solution jarur bataye.

    • Shahid gogole ki terms change ho gayi hai aapko google ke bare me achhe se padhna chahiye. Main iske bare me already likh chuka hu aap google guidelines follow karo.

  102. maine Adinjection me ads code lga diye hai bottom, middle, header me lekin ads show nahi ho rhe hai. jab direct code post me lga deta hu tb show hote hai.

    • Aapki theme ya kisi plugin ki wajah se ad injection plugin work nahi kar raha hai aap fir se install karke dekhe fir bhi work na kare to koi or plugin use kare.

  103. Hi,
    Your google ssl search factor infomation is right. But cloudflare free ssl not work for high security because this ssl connect only cloudflare to you site. This SSL not cover you main server. This reason i’m not using this free ssl and you can buy a paid ssl for you website.

    Thanks ! @Jume Deen Khan

  104. Hello Bhai mere blog me whatsapp ka label tha Jiska word meaning galat tha to maine ek naya label whatsapp ka add Kiya Sahi Tarike Se lekin mere blog par ab whatsapp name ka 2 label show Hone laga hai. Iska kya solution hai bhai

    • Jo label galat hai use sabhi posts me se remove karo.

  105. Sir plz. Reply

    1. Sir ye cloudflare ka free ssl certificate kitne time ke liye valid hai. Or free SSL certificate ki koi limitations hai ya nhi.

    2.sir jab mai apni website apne desktop me kholta hu to mujhe ye error aata hai. ‘Your connection is not private’.Net::ERR_CET_COMMON_NAME_INVAILD. Sir ye only error mere pc me hi show hota hai or mere pc ke har browser me aata hai. Baki koi bhi mobile ye pc me nhi aata.sir image maine aapko fb par sent kar di hai.

    • 1. Abhi ye aug 2017 tak valid hai but iske bad bhi autorenew ho jayega. Cloudflare kafi time se free ssl proivde kar raha hai.
      2. Iski jankari ke liye ye link open karo “https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6098869?vid=0-442579955611-1487866629820

  106. kya blogspot blogger per https css certificate use kar sakte hai kya

    • Iske bare me bhi article likhunga thoda wait karo.

  107. Sir muje wordpress par kahin bhi upload ka option nahi dikh ra hai. Only free aur paid themes show ho ri hai .
    Kya muje account delete krke phir se bnana padega.
    Aur uske baad theme upload krni hogi.
    mene wordpress par dekha ki ” Upgrade to premium and get custom design ”
    kya upgrade krna pdega.

    • Aapne wordpress par free blog banaya hai wordpress free plan me theme change karna allow nahi karta. Aap hosting le kar wordpress.org par blog banao or agar aapne already hosting le kar blog banaya hai to blog ka backup le kar wordpress software fir se install karo.

  108. Hello Sir Mere गूगल Adsense अकाउंट में मेरी Earnings Invalid Traffic – AdSense for Content में -$2.35 दिखा रहा है सर मुझे आपसे यह पूछना था इस से मेरे Adsense अकाउंट पर तो कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ेगा ना अगर पड़ेगा तो मुझे क्या करना पड़ेगा ताकि मेरी Earnings – में ना जाये

    • Itne se koi fark nahi padega but ye jyada nahi honi chahiye. Aapko apni site par ad placement check karna chahiye.

  109. Thanx Sir, Ye Article Main Apka Blog Me Bahut Dino Se Wait Kar Raha Tha,,, Mere Kuch Question Jo Mujhe Samajh Me Nahi Aa raha Hain,, 1) Kya Jab Ise Setup Karenge To Kuch Dio Tak Site Ka Traffic Down Ho Jayega,, 2) Jab Site Ka Url Change Hoga To Jo Mere Blog Me Share Hue Vo Count Rahega Ya Vo Remove Ho Jayega, Ur Isse Koi Effect, 3) FeedBurner Email Subscription Me Koi Effect Ya Uska Address Change Karna Hoga, 4) Apne Paid SSL Liya Hain Ya CloudeFlare Ka Free Version Hi Use kar Rahe Hain,, Ur Best Kon hai Free Ya paid?

    • 1. Jab tak aapki site ke sare URL https ke sath google me index nahi ho jate site traffic kam hoga.
      2. Rahenge.
      3. Feedburner me koi fark nahi padega. Maine godaddy se paid ssl certificate liya hai.

      • Sir maine bhi godaddy se liya ,,par jab setup kiye aur dashboard se url change kiya to site nahi khul raha hai,, cutomer care se bat kiye to wo bola ki cloudeflare me redirection change karna hoga,,, to cloudflare me kya changing karna padta hain,,,

        • Error kya aata hai wo btao.

          • Sir, Jab Site Ka Url Dashboard Se Change Kar Rahe hain Jaise Http Se Https to Uske Bad Site Open Nahi Ho Raha hain, Na Hi WordPress Ka Dashboard Open Hota Hain,, Is Bare Me Apka Forum Me Bhi Puche Hain Sir,

          • Main jaldi hi iske bare me article likhunga aap wor read kar lena.

  110. jume deen bhai ek problem aa rahi h mere blog me jab me blog ka koi page open karta hu to ek error ati h

    The 9lege.com page isn’t working

    9lege.com is currently unable to handle this request.
    HTTP ERROR 500

    ye kaise solve hogi pls rply

    • Aap apne hosting provider se bat kare wo aapki problem theek kar denge. Agar waha help na mile to .htaccess file check kare or usme se extra codes ko remove karke check kare.

  111. good post bro……….

  112. Maine aaj subah with https supportmeimdia.com khola khula hi nahi !
    Phir jab https se s ko remove karke open kiya tab aisa hua ?? Kyu
    Maine aaj hi chrome browser update kari aur wo problem aa gayi

    • Actually, ssl me thodi problem thi wo ab theek kar di hai. Ab aap easily blog open kar sakte ho.

  113. sir jab mai apna blog open kart hu toh http nahi aata hai isse toh ranking ya traffic par effect padta hai ya nahi.

    • Nitin ssl certificate use karoge to behtar hai.

      • ssl paid aach hai ya free wala

        • Paid. Free wala limited browsers support karta hai.

  114. I have following questions hope you will answer

    1 . Suppose I have added free ssl and make my blog https so will it be shown like yours [I mean that green lock] I asked this because I saw many blog with https but they don’t have green lock.

    2 . what about links crawled by Google and Bing will it auto redirect from http to https, and do I need to re submit blog to Google webmaster with new https link and same with sitemap.

    Hope to hear from you very soon

    • 1. Green lock na hone ka matlab hai us site ke pages me without https wale link hai.
      2. Yes aapko fir se https ke sath blog google webmaster tool me submit karna hoga. Tabhi google aapki site ke https wale pages ko index karega.

      • Agar dobara resubmit karte hai to, kya ham apne post ke url ko change kar sakte hai? please reply.

        • Yes kar sakte ho.

  115. bro.. ek baat btao me pure hindi me likhna chahta hu but me keyboard pr hindi ni type kar sakta. to koi app hai kya jo mera kaam aasan kr de

    • Google pure hindi ko bhi achhi rank deta hai jaruri nahi aap keyword english me hi use kar sakte ho hindi me bhi kar sakte ho.

  116. Ye Trick Blogger ke Custom Domain Par Work Kar Sakte hai Kya

    • Sonu main old comment me already bta chuka hu ki ye sirf wordpress ke liye hai.

  117. hello jume deen sir 1. main bhi hinglish language me post kar raha hu to kya mujhe bhi hindi me post karna chahaiye vaise aapne sahi decide kiya hai ki hinglish ka koi future nahi hai lekin internet par bhut se esse blog hai jo higlish me hai or log bhi higlish me hi search karte hai and aapki bhi sabhi post higlish language me hai to fir google agar higlish site ko blocked karega to lagbhag puri site hi blocked ho jayegi and hinglish language ko ab kitne time ka use kar sakte hai.

    2 and sir aap please apne form par active rahne ki kosis karo kyoki maine supportmeindia form par 2 question puche the lekin abhi bhi sahi answer nahi mila hai. vo 2 question ye hai

    3. agar main ek 400 -500 word ki post karta hu jisme 2-4 keyword post title me hai to main sabhi keyword ki destiny 1% se 5% rakhu ya sirf jo focus keyword use kiya hai uski destiny rakni jaruri hai.

    4. main apne blog par ek adsense account use kar raha hu jo mere friend ka hai ab main ek youtube chennal create karta hu and usme main apna yani dusra adsense account use karta hu jo hosted hai or us channel ki video yani jisme main apna adsense use kiya hai mere blog jispar mere friend ka adsense account hai usme uski link deta hu yani jaise post me post ki link rahti hai to isse adsense policy violation to nahi hoga and dono adsense account safe to rahege ya nahi..
    Please ask next time on forum. Manish forum ko isi liye banaya gaya hai.

    • 1. Maine aesa nahi kaha ki google hinglish ko block karega. Google ne aesa kaha bhi nahi hai. WO mera faisla hai aap apna faisla soch samajh kar karo.
      2. Dear main sabke reply karta hu or agar koi galat jawab deta hai to uska bhi mujhe pata rahta hai. Aapko sahi jawab diya gaya hai ki aap post me maximum 2% to 3% keywords denisity rakho. iske liye aap yoast plugin use karo wo iske bare me btata hai. 5% bahut jyada hai 2.5% se jyada use mat karo.
      3. No problem aap kisi ke bhi video blog me add kar sakte ho or sabke adsense alag alag hote hai so no problem.

  118. Aapka blog www use karta hai, jabki mai www use nahi karta hai. to kya mujhe cf men ek hi page rule (mydomain.com/*) hi create karana chahiye ?

    aur ek baat aapne is post men confuse kiya.
    ek baar apne kaha page rule create karte samay alway online select kare aur dusri baar apne kahan hai https select karen.

    kya ye main samjhun mujhe dono hi setting enable karana chahiye.

    • Dono page rules add karne hai taki koi aapki site ko www ke sath bhi open kare to site open ho.
      Always https select karna hai.

  119. Bhai Koi Accha Hosting Ke bare me batao… jo kam se kam 10000 se 20000 Vistor/day tak Handle kar le.

    • Itna traffic koi bhi shared hosting handle kar sakta hai. Aap hostgator india ya bluehost india ka business plan le lo.

  120. 1) Bhai Ye Method mene Pehle Bhi Parha he but Kia Ye Blogger pe bhi ho sakega?
    2) Bhai ap agar Hinglish me upload kartey to shaid India ke illaw jo he Pakistani Wo Bhi Perh lete ….Me Nahi Perh Pa raha abhi .
    but Thanks , Mene ye post english me perhi he achi he ,
    3) Bhai Jab Hum Ussko flexible kar Daty he To Usspe Https Lagne me Fr Kitna Time Lgta he?
    4) Or Flexable karne ke baad wala jo process he wo to Redirect Karne keleye hehai na?
    Please In Questions ke answer dedyna Thanks,

    • 1. Ye process sirf wordpress ke liye hai jaldi hi blogger kel iye bhi article likhunga.
      2. You can translate this page with your language.
      3. 10 to 30 minutes.
      4. Nahi is process ke bina https work anhi karega.

      • Bro Mene ye sub kuch kia magar bhai ab jab me apna bog on karta hun to https to ata he but green nahi or jab usspe click karta hun to wo kehtey hen ke your site connection is not fully secrue ???? isska hal batan please??

  121. Why this post in hindi font and hinglish. क्या अब से इस्सी तरह का पोस्ट मिलेगा.

    • After google algorithm update we decided to write only official language. for more information you can visit on hindi community forum ask.https://www.supportmeindia.com